TargetParameterCountException is thrown on a ToolStripMenuItem click


Justin Cherniak

I have a ToolStrip item which fires a function when clicked. The
function will run to completion without any problems (if I set a
breakpoint at the closing brace, no exception has been fired), but
once it returns, I get a TargetParameterCountException in mscorlib. I
cannot for the life of me figure out why and I'm hoping someone here
might be able to help.

Here is the relevant code (although I don't think it has any effect)

ToolStripMenuItem resetLib = new ToolStripMenuItem("Reset Library",
null, new EventHandler(ResetLibraryClick));

void ResetLibraryClick(object o, EventArgs e)
player.Playlist = null;
library = new Library();
library.LibraryChanged += new
Tracks = library.Tracks;

Thanks in advance,
Justin Cherniak

Justin Cherniak

The problem was found elsewhere in the code, so you can safely ignore
this post...


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