Takes VS 2005 *3 MINUTES* to compile ASP.NET 2.0 website



It takes VS 2005 1, 2, and somtimes 3 MINUTES to compile ASP.NET 2.0 website
when external DLL is modified. As a matter of fact, when I click 'Build',
it looks like VS 2005 hangs for most of that time before it actually starts
compiling. If I modify something inside WebSite project itself without
modifying DLL, it takes few seconds to compile.

Why? How can I control this behavior?

I was able to reproduce this behavior by creating a simple WebSite and
simple DLL that I reference from that WebSite project.

Juan T. Llibre


you have posted this message 3 times now, and you accepted
that the explanation which was offered made sense.

But you have not said whether you tried the simple solution posted,
and whether it works or not.

Did you try it ? Does it work ?

Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
ASP.NET FAQ : http://asp.net.do/faq/
Foros de ASP.NET en Español : http://asp.net.do/foros/



Yes, I tried the your suggestion. When I remove the old DLL and re-add it
to references every time compile, this process takes even longer. So, this
solution is useless.

Juan T. Llibre

I must have misunderstood what you meant when
you stated "when external DLL is modified".

I thought "external DLL" referred to a DLL outside your
project since, otherwise, it would be a "project DLL".

So, to recap,

1. you have a web solution
2. you add the DLL solution to that solution
3. you compile the DLL and the web solution sequentially,
from within the *same* solution

or, do you

1. have a web solution
2. have a *different* solution for your DLL
( not included in your web solution)
3. You recompile the DLL
4. you recompile the web solution and that causes the problem you describe


Juan T. Llibre, ASP.NET MVP
ASP.NET FAQ : http://asp.net.do/faq/
Foros de ASP.NET en Español : http://asp.net.do/foros/


I just tried both suggestions. I am still experiencing delays in compiling
event if I include my DLL project inside my WEbSite solution and add it as
project reference.

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Amount of memory on you box? What kind of processor?

Have you checked CPU usage, disk swapping and memory usage during a compile?

What is this "simple" DLL doing?

Did you have a beta previously installed?

If so, are you sure you uninstalled everything completely (some betas
required manual steps to remove)?

There are a lot of variables in the mix, so it is hard to find a solution.
For me, the IDE is a bit slower than VS.NET, but not 3 minutes to compile
(more like a few extra seconds).

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


I have 2GHz processor with 512MB of memory. I never installed beta, I
installed VS2005 final release.

Simple HelloWorld.dll doesn't do much, contains a function that returns a

It does take few extra seconds when I modify my WebSite project internally,
but when I modify external Helloworld.dll, that is what slows down

I pulled up OutputWindow in VS2005 to watch the progress of compilation. I
noticed that 95% of that 2-3 minutes time is VS2005 is blocked (not
responding) sitting there with CPU utilization at 2%. Then when it actually
starts compiling, it compiles in normal time.

I guess, from my further observations, when I click the Build button, 95% of
the time VS2005 is doing something before it actually starts compiling
(maybe waiting for some resorse, and at that time not responding to any user
commands or menu clicks). When it actually starts compiling, it takes a few



After further analysis, I noticed that when I click Build button, VS2005 is
doing something before it actually starts compiling and during this time I
see only 0-2% of cpu utilization, 95% of that 2 minute time VS2005 is in
that mode. At that time, VS2005 doesn't respond to any commands or menu

When it actually start building (starting with 'Validating Web Site' message
in output window), it takes normal time, few seconds to build. And during
that actual build time, VS2005 responds to commands and menu clicks in a
normal way.

So, 95% of the time is between when I click Build button and when the build
process is actually starts, VS2005 spends in a "locked state" where it
doesn't even respond to commands or menu clicks, utilizing 0-2% of cpu.

Remember, that it only happens when my dll project is modified.



It sounds like maybe something in your solution is referencing a network
resource that is not available.

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