table relation



Ok this cant be dificult...I have a table of companies. I also have a table
of recordes. In the table of records there a two fields that need to pull
information from that company table. apparently i cant get this to work. when
I go to put a querry on the records table I add the compnies table and drop
the fields that included the two company information. it seems that you can
not request information from multiple field that are tide to the same table.
I dont want to create three sets of company tables that include
manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontractors. one company can represent all
three so I was hoping to take that one table of companies and add yes/no for
these catagories and querry it for the three types to look up the info but i
cannot have it querry in the record table for printing oe viewing. can any
one help...

John Vinson

Ok this cant be dificult...I have a table of companies. I also have a table
of recordes. In the table of records there a two fields that need to pull
information from that company table. apparently i cant get this to work. when
I go to put a querry on the records table I add the compnies table and drop
the fields that included the two company information. it seems that you can
not request information from multiple field that are tide to the same table.

That is incorrect. You can join tables on up to TEN fields, if they
are of matching datatypes.
I dont want to create three sets of company tables that include
manufacturers, suppliers, and subcontractors. one company can represent all
three so I was hoping to take that one table of companies and add yes/no for
these catagories and querry it for the three types to look up the info but i
cannot have it querry in the record table for printing oe viewing. can any
one help...

Please post at least a little bit of information about the structure
of the tables, in particular the names, datatypes, and sizes of these
join fields; it would also help to indicate how the Companies table
and the Records table are related, if at all. It might also help to
post the SQL view of the query you have created and indicate how it's
"not working".

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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