Systemax PC fan is LOUD!!!


Jon K.

I have a Systemax Ascent tower.
The fan on it is LOUD, and it is always loud and always running at full
I did a little reading online and it seems that I will have to install
a new fan... is that true?
If not, what else can I do?
If so, can someone point me to a good place to get step by step
directions? OR.... a good place to get a good, quiet fan, and good
directions on how to install it?


Its quite possible to buy a quiet fan, assuming your talking about the cpu
fan, the fan required depends on the cpu you use.
Its also possible that the cpu fan may not be firmly connected to cpu
cooler, some of the stock fan / cooler combinations are of pretty cheap


DL said:
Its quite possible to buy a quiet fan, assuming your talking about the cpu
fan, the fan required depends on the cpu you use.
Its also possible that the cpu fan may not be firmly connected to cpu
cooler, some of the stock fan / cooler combinations are of pretty cheap
Recently, after months of its loud running, I removed such a noisy
cpu-fan & hs from my AMD 2500, & replaced with a bigger hs and bigger, yet
slower, fan; temps rose from 34/42 to 36/44--an acceptable rise. The noise
seems like it was reduced 50%. I'm considering another such exchange on the
same cpu, hoping to further reduce noise and accept temp rise in like
proportions. Ensure you have good case flow--else you will be cooling cpu
by starting from a higher beginning temp. (I assume that case temp. plus
cpu-temp-rise = total cpu temp to be reduced. Not exact, I'm sure, but is
close enough for my amateurish moves.) HTH, s


Jon K. said:
I have a Systemax Ascent tower.
The fan on it is LOUD, and it is always loud and always running at full
I did a little reading online and it seems that I will have to install
a new fan... is that true?
If not, what else can I do?
If so, can someone point me to a good place to get step by step
directions? OR.... a good place to get a good, quiet fan, and good
directions on how to install it?

Jon, if u r in US, good place for comp. parts is Prolly one
of best reputations--if not THE best--in the US. HTH, s


Jon K. said:
I have a Systemax Ascent tower.
The fan on it is LOUD, and it is always loud and always running at full
I did a little reading online and it seems that I will have to install
a new fan... is that true?
If not, what else can I do?
If so, can someone point me to a good place to get step by step
directions? OR.... a good place to get a good, quiet fan, and good
directions on how to install it?

Go to >
< and toward the bottom of the page, click on "Protect your pc from
excessive heat". Good, short, to the point read AND from the Systemqax ad.

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