system32 errors



For the past several months I have had several errors messages everytime I logon on. I will list them below. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know
1. Error loading C:\windows\system32\inetp60.dl
2. Error loading C:\windows\system32\msiefr40.dl
3. Error loading C:\windows\system32\stlbdist.dl
and then my System folder opens. I close all these folders and I can continue to work as normal. When I am ready to log off, a box pops up asking me to "End Now" the "RUNDLL32.exe" program

I am completely dumbfounded as to solve this problem. I have reinstalled everything but still the problems exists. Is there a quick fix to this problem or should I throw the computer out the door? I am afraid if I start deleting or trying to fix this problem I might make it worse

Also, does anyone have a solution to avoiding pop-ups? Also, how do you keep spyware from loading on your computer? Is there a program that stops pop-ups and spyware? I do not know much about programs.

Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It looks like those 3 files have been corrupted. Your best
bet would be to backup your data files and then re-install

For the spyware/adware problem use Adaware or Zone Alarm
as these will detect and remove existing ware and prevent
future installations.

-----Original Message-----
For the past several months I have had several errors
messages everytime I logon on. I will list them below.
If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me
1. Error loading C:\windows\system32\inetp60.dll
2. Error loading C:\windows\system32\msiefr40.dll
3. Error loading C:\windows\system32\stlbdist.dll
and then my System folder opens. I close all these
folders and I can continue to work as normal. When I am
ready to log off, a box pops up asking me to "End Now"
the "RUNDLL32.exe" program.
I am completely dumbfounded as to solve this problem. I
have reinstalled everything but still the problems
exists. Is there a quick fix to this problem or should I
throw the computer out the door? I am afraid if I start
deleting or trying to fix this problem I might make it
Also, does anyone have a solution to avoiding pop-ups?
Also, how do you keep spyware from loading on your
computer? Is there a program that stops pop-ups and
spyware? I do not know much about programs.

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