System Volume Information


Rodney Kelp

I have 3 harddrives. 2 on ide1 and one on raid 1.
Why does XP put system volume information on all three drives? Isn't this
restore points for system restore? Why is it needed on all three drives?

Michael Seidner

This is the default setup. To change, right-click on "My Computer",
left-click "Properties", then choose "System Restore" tab. Highlight the
drive on which you want to remove monitoring by System Restore. Click the
"Settings" button. Activate the checkbox that says, "Turn off System
Restore on this drive."

Bert Kinney

Hi Rodney,

This is how System Restore keeps tabs on all partitions. All
Partitions will have the System Volume Information folder on it.
Partitions not monitored by SR will have a very small (around 20kb)
SVI folder. SVI folders on unmonitored partitions can be renamed or
deleted, but will recreated on reboot.

All About System Restore in WinXP

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