System.Threading.Timer - Does it Work?


Graeme Anderson

I have a need to code a timer in a class which will raise events
periodically. The timer used is system.threading.timer and it works well
EXCEPT when I call RaiseEvent to notify a windows form. There appears to be
a deadlock occurring as I don't get control back to the class.

This is required on a Pocket PC Application when connecting to GPRS.

The same code works fine as a Windows application - have taken the liberty
of including a code snippet below.

Any suggestions welcomed,

Graeme A

--->> put this into a class module
Namespace Lfx.Handheld.classes

Public Class MyApplication

Private MyTimer As System.Threading.Timer
Public Shared Event Event_LoginState(ByVal EventMessage As String,
ByVal ProcessCounter As Integer)

Private Sub DoWork()
' raise event back to calling process in case that process needs
to use the events
RaiseEvent Event_LoginState(Now.ToLongTimeString, Now.Second)

End Sub
Private Sub OnTimer(ByVal o As Object)
End Sub

Private Sub SetupTimers()
Dim callback As System.Threading.TimerCallback
callback = New System.Threading.TimerCallback(AddressOf OnTimer)
MyTimer = New System.Threading.Timer(callback, "", _
System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, _
MyTimer.Change(1000, System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite)
End Sub

Public Sub New()
End Sub

End Class
End Namespace

--->> put this into a form with appropriate buttons and status bar
Dim lfx_timer As lfx.Handheld.classes.MyApplication
Public Sub LoginState(ByVal Message As String, ByVal ProcessCounter
As Integer)
' process events back from main controller
---> currently gets here then locks!
lblProcessCaption.Text = Message.ToString
prog.Value = ProcessCounter
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show("System Error " & ex.Message.ToString)
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
lfx_timer = New lfx.Handheld.classes.MyApplication()
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AddHandler lfx.Handheld.classes.MyApplication.Event_LoginState,
AddressOf LoginState
End Sub

Alex Yakhnin [eMVP]

The System.Threading.Timer executes on a different thread.
You need to use Control.Invoke method to update the GUI

Alex Yakhnin, Microsoft Embedded MVP
IntelliProg, Inc.
"Check out our Compact Framework controls..."
-----Original Message-----
I have a need to code a timer in a class which will raise events
periodically. The timer used is system.threading.timer and it works well
EXCEPT when I call RaiseEvent to notify a windows form. There appears to be
a deadlock occurring as I don't get control back to the class.

This is required on a Pocket PC Application when connecting to GPRS.

The same code works fine as a Windows application - have taken the liberty
of including a code snippet below.

Any suggestions welcomed,

Graeme A

--->> put this into a class module
Namespace Lfx.Handheld.classes

Public Class MyApplication

Private MyTimer As System.Threading.Timer
Public Shared Event Event_LoginState(ByVal EventMessage As String,
ByVal ProcessCounter As Integer)

Private Sub DoWork()
' raise event back to calling process in case that process needs
to use the events
RaiseEvent Event_LoginState
(Now.ToLongTimeString, Now.Second)

End Sub
Private Sub OnTimer(ByVal o As Object)
MyTimer.Change (System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite,
End Sub

Private Sub SetupTimers()
Dim callback As System.Threading.TimerCallback
callback = New System.Threading.TimerCallback (AddressOf OnTimer)
MyTimer = New System.Threading.Timer (callback, "", _
System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite, _

Mark McKnight

It's easier to use the System.Windows.Forms.Timer class. It does the
same thing, but it works in the UI thread with everything else.

Graeme Anderson

Thanks for that Mark, using forms.timer is a whole easier and does just what
is needed.

If anyone would like the code let me know.



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