System Sounds Missing



I can't hear my system sounds. Well... it's like this: I
can listen to music and games but i can't hear all the
sounds like: logon, logoff, empty recycle, shutdown,
startup ......... and all the sound for events that you
can find in "Sound and Audio Devices" in control panel.

I went to Sound and audio devices in control panel and
checked the settings (to see if i've assigned a sound for
an event ex: startup) and it's there, all the events has
been assigned a sound. When i click the play sound
(preview) button, i can hear the sound.

Well not thing seems to be wrong with my speaker but for
some reason, i CAN NOT hear the systems sounds.

Please Help, I would be very appreciated
Thanks in advance

Frank P.

had the same problem you are having--how did I solve it?
copied all the sounds I wanted to use to the "C\Windows\Media " folder, and now they all work.
In the case of "MSN Messenger I had to copy the sounds I wanted to use to the MSN Messenger folder for them to work properly.

Frank P.

scanned with Norton Antivirus 2004


But I am using the sounds in C:\Windows\Media ... any
suggestions? Thanks anyway :)


I have the same problem. It's got to be a Microsoft
glitch. It's not just that Windows XP Pro can't PLAY
the .WAV files, it can't even FIND them. I discovered,
for example, when I tried to find why Outlook 2002 didn't
play a reminder sound, that Windows XP had the Reminder
sound set to MEDIA/Office 97/REMINDER.WAV, except that
there is no REMINDER.WAV file there or anywhere. (I think
REMINDER.WAV may have been present in Windows 98 before I
upgraded.) So I created one (copying and renaming the
chord.wav file in the MEDIA folder in c:/Windows. Then it
worked. However, I made the mistake after that of going
to the Sounds settings in Control Panel. I set the
Reminder program event to chord.wav, which is present in
the c:/Windows/Media folder, and which plays when you
test it. However, it won't play when the Outlook Reminder
displays, and if you edit the Reminder and click on the
sound, it says it can't find chord.wav, and when you
Browse to find a new file, it always defaults to your My
Documents folder.

So, obviously, Windows XP has problems knowing what
folder to look in for sounds for program events.

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