System Shutdown Question



I have had to do a Quick System Recovery on my Presario
1500 Laptop Compaq. It worked fine for a short time but
I quickly received a virus, before I had a chance to
reinstall my virus protection. The virus program said
that it cleaned and removed the virus but now I am now
receiving a message that states System
Shutdown...Shutdown Initiated by NT Authority/System.
Windows must now restart. Remote Procedure Call Service
(RPC) has terminated unexpectedly. The system shuts down
in 1 minute and reboots itself. This only happens when I
am connected to the internet. Also I started having
problems with my McAfee. Two Red "M's" would appear at
the bottom of my screen but when I would put my cursor
over them they would disappear. Also it showed red but
said that it was disabled. I tried to download a
reinstall and it would not let me. So I erased it
completely and now it won't install it at all. Help!

Darren Hook [MSFT]

Sounds like you may have Blaster Virus. Check the links below;

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants

Blaster Worm Removal Tool for Windows XP and Windows 2000 (KB833330)

Darren Hook
(e-mail address removed)
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Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

Why did you go online before installing your anti-virus software and before
turning on the firewall? This is why you got infected and still are

I can't imagine how any one that uses a computer still doesn't know about
this as it was in all the papers, tv news, radio news, internet news....
etc.. for months.

Always run a firewall and anti-virus programs on your computer at all times.

You are infected with the Blaster worm virus.

To stop the rebooting/shutdowns, right click on the task bar, choose task
manager, processes tab, look for msblast.exe. Highlight it and click end
process. Then turn on the xp firewall.

To turn on the firewall: control panel, network and internet connections,
network connections, right click your connection, properties, advanced tab,
check the protect my computer box. Do this as quickly as you can once the
desktop comes up. Then visit the sites below for the removal and patch info.

Symantec: removal info and removal tool

Also make sure to follow the links to the Microsoft pages for the patch or
visit windows update for the patch after you remove it.

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