System Restore will not reset to previous date



HELP! I have used System Restore before several times and loved using it to
remove programs that I downloaded. Now, my problem right now is that when I
use the System Restore to set to an earlier date, it will come up after
rebooting the computer and the message says "cannot restore to earlier date"
and I have NO CLUE how to get it to work. I don't have a CD for this. It
was already loaded in my laptop when I purchased it 4 years ago.

Will Denny


That error message would suggest that one or more of the System Restore
files have become corrupt. You can try turning SR off/on, although you will
lose all existing checkpoints:

Right click on My Computer and select Properties>System Restore. Enable
'Turn off System Restore on all drives' - then reboot your PC. Go back into
SR and disable 'Turn off...' and then reboot again. After the second reboot
you should have one new checkpoint and SR should work properly after that.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups



Thanks for the quick reply. I was browsing through the "help section",
trying to figure what other people wrote about the SR and someone said that
Norton antivirus could be the culprit. Shld I try disable the NA first
before doing your suggestion?


Will Denny

Hi Stephanie

Yes - Norton can always be a culprit. Try disabling it, then attempt a
System Restore.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

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