System Restore will not boot



I have the HP media center 883n. I'm not sure what
caused the problem, but it may have been when I tried to
isntall the .NET Compact Framework Service Pack 1. It
never would open the file, so I just gave up.

I then tried doing a fresh install of everything on the
computer like I've done before by going into the system
recovery. When I try to get there, either by selecting
the program under the START menu, or by pressing F10
during startup, I get the message...

Stop: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry
cannot load the hive(file): \SystemRoot\System32
or its log or alternate.
It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

Every help guide I see online says to boot into System
Recovery to copy over your new files, but I cannot get to
this step. Is there anything else I can do? I can't
even try to boot from the XP cd since it comes budled on
the computer.

Rich Barry

The Registry is corrupted. You can repair that from the Recovery Console
but that would be on the Win
XP CD. If you don't have a CD then probably HP has provided a
Recovery Image Partition. Go to HP's
website and look for info there.

Alex Nichol

Every help guide I see online says to boot into System
Recovery to copy over your new files, but I cannot get to
this step. Is there anything else I can do? I can't
even try to boot from the XP cd since it comes budled on
the computer.

All the references to booting the recovery console require that you have
a 'proper' XP CD - which HP do not supply. If you can borrow one and
boot it,. that should be usable for this purpose

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