system restart authorized by windows nt/authority



When I am on the internet, my computer always seems to display a message, something like 'the system must restart authorized by windows nt/authority. How can i fix this? I dont know what else to do

Will Denny


Your system has been infected by the Blaster Worm. Have a look at the following links:

Courtesy of MVP Kelly Theriot.

"Virus Alert About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants"

"What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm and Its Variants"


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| When I am on the internet, my computer always seems to display a message, something like 'the system must restart authorized by windows nt/authority. How can i fix this? I dont know what else to do


When I am on the internet, my computer always seems to display a message, something like 'the system must restart authorized by windows nt/authority. How can i fix this? I dont know what else to do


Apparently, your computer is now infected with the W32.Blaster.Worm or one of
its variants. This happened because you have not been using an internet
connection firewall and have apparently neglected to install the critical
updates available from Microsoft.

If your computer is constantly attempting to shutdown or reboot:
Start - Run, type "shutdown -a", and hit Enter.
That should halt the reboot. Now fix the problem.

Immediately turn-on Windows XP's built-in Firewall:

Download and install Security patch KB824146:

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm:

And about the Nachi / Welchia worm:

Download and run the Blaster and Welchia worm removal tool (Windows 2K/XP):

A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to
remotely compromise a computer running Microsoft Windows and
gain complete control over it. You can help protect your computer
by installing this update from Microsoft.

And Tim, please don't contribute to the spread of email address mining viruses.
Learn to munge your email address properly, to keep yourself a bit safer when
posting to open forums. Protect yourself and the rest of the internet - never
post your address unmunged.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

If you connected the PC to the Internet without having first
enabled a firewall, without having first installed an antivirus
application with current virus definition files, and before installing
the KB824146 Hotfix, you're very likely to get infected from any of
the thousands of PCs on the Internet that are constantly broadcasting
the Blaster and/or Welchia worms. It only takes a few seconds of

To stay on-line long enough to get the necessary updates, patches,
and removal tools, click Start > Run, and enter "shutdown -a" when the
next RPC countdown begins. This will abort the shut down. Also, make
sure you've enabled a firewall before starting, to preclude any more
intrusions while getting the updates/patches/tools.

MS04-012 Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC-DCOM;en-us;828741

What You Should Know About the Blaster Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm a.k.a. W32/Lovesan.Worm

W32.Blaster.Worm Removal Tool

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

W32.Welchia.Worm Removal Tool

McAfee AVERT Stinger

Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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