System.IO.FileLoadException with Novell's Novell.Directory.LDAP


Fabian Aichele


When trying to use Novell's C# LDAP library (from
the following exception occurs as soon as I try to instantiate an
object from the Novell.Directory.LDAP namespace:

"Eine nicht behandelte Ausnahme des Typs 'System.IO.FileLoadException'
ist in aufgetreten."
"An unhandled exception with type 'System.IO.FileLoadException'
occured in"
[...] 'System.IO.FileLoadException' [...] in

Additional information is:
"Die Datei Novell.Directory.Ldap kann nicht geladen werden." meaning
"Can't load file Novell.Directory.Ldap."

I am using Visual Studio .Net 2002 Academic (German) with the .Net
Framework 1.1.
Novell's installation instructions only say to copy the dll to an
"appropriate location" within the project; I manually copied the dll
into the folder where the project resides. Adding a reference to the
dll also worked without any error message.

Since I still am fairly new to C#, I'd appreciate any hint or pointer
on what I might have missed or forgotten.

Fabian Aichele

Dmitriy Lapshin [C# / .NET MVP]

Hello Fabian,

You should either install this DLL to the GAC (given it has a strong name)
or copy it to the same folder your application *executable* (not project!)
resides in.
There are more advanced options but these are the simplest things you can
try to resolve your problem.

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