System Interference:



Mike Roberts said:
i also use webroot spy sweeper. i am running ver 5.05 and have upgraded
to newer ver on another computer. i then uninstalled spysweeper because
the new version is a HOG!! and i will not upgrade to new version with
this computer. for whatever reason they changed things in the new
version and made my other system do just what you describe. try
uninstalling and re-installing with version 5. or try and disable
spysweeper and see if it solves the prob. first. hope it helps -mike

Hello Mike,

I have Upgraded Spy sweeper twice lately.

First, Oct. 26/2006, with Version 5.0.7, build 1608,
then with the last upgrade, Nov. 06/2006, Version 5.2.3, build 2115.

I do not have the old version (5) I will try to disable webroot and
see of what happens. Tried Safe Mode, NO "Glitch" Perfect Quite.

I have read that some protection Programs even after being disabled,
still will work on the background to protect the System.

I do not know if this is the case with Webroot, I will start with a disable,
if it does not help follow with uninstall.
I have marked this Thread, "Watched"
So it will stay on top of new Posts in this "NG"

Thank You very much for sharing, and
Best Regards x@y


Mike Roberts said:
x@y wrote:

i also use webroot spy sweeper. i am running ver 5.05 and have upgraded to
newer ver on another computer. i then uninstalled spysweeper because the new
version is a HOG!! and i will not upgrade to new version with this computer.
for whatever reason they changed things in the new version and made my other
system do just what you describe. try uninstalling and re-installing with
version 5. or try and disable spysweeper and see if it solves the prob. first.
hope it helps -mike

Hello Mike,

I did disable spy sweeper and no glitch, or interferences,
so we can conclude that is spy sweeper causing the problem.

To make things worse I am trying to contact Webroot support,
and I can not log on to their support Website,
I get a warning window from microsoft IE saying:
"Stack overflow at line:0" I get the warning only when I try to
log on to Webroot "Home & Home office" Support.

If I try the "Enterprise" Support Line I am able to log on
with no problem. I am not an Enterprise, I am a Home User.

I think it is time to look for another Product.
Thanks x@y


Daave said:

Hello Daave,

Thank You very much for the Link, I can log on to the above Link,
but when I am logged on if I click on the option "Start New Session"
I get "Error on Page" I think the reason for the error is because
I was not logged on to the support Site so when I press
"Start New Session" It can not take me back.

Could You please try to log on with the above Link, and then
click on "Start New Session"? And Post back if You will be able
to log on to the Support Page? If You can then there is
something wrong with my IE browser.

Thanks, and Best Regards x@y

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