System hangs at 1st Welcome Screen



I just upgraded a C: drive from a 10GB to a 40 GB using Ghost and then
replaced the D: drive with that 10GB drive from a 5 GB.

When the system boots now, it hangs at the 1st Welcome screen, the one
before any accounts are seen. Now since I only have one account, I really
do not know if it is hanging where I just said it was or if it is hanging as
it tries to auto-login the user..

I can boot from a CD and using a tool called ERD commander, I can see the
two HDDs and can verify the data on the disks.

Help me please. I do not want to have to rebuild my system.



FYI - Tools I have are the ERD Commander, Partition Magic, and of course,
the original installation CD



~~Alan~~ said:
FYI - Tools I have are the ERD Commander, Partition Magic, and of
course, the original installation CD

Hi, Alan. I don't think you'll have to rebuild your system, but I do
think you'll need to do a Repair Install. You sound pretty savvy, but
just to be complete, here is a link to information about the Repair

Cheers and good luck,



Well, by doing an Install-Repair, I at least was able to get back into the
system. What had happened is that the Master disk on the 1st controller
became the D: drive and the Slave on the same controller became the C:

So now my question is can I reassign new drive letters and put everything
back? Do I do this in safe mode?



Well, I ended up having to rebuild the system.

What I should have done was to upgrade the 1st disk and rebooted to let the
system see the new larger disk and after it was satisfied, upgrade the 2nd
HDD to what was the original C: drive. My guess is that even though I
"Ghosted" or cloned the disks, some data label was still hanging around that
confused the system into thinking there were 2 C: drives and after doing a
repair install, on the new 40GB drive, dates were compared and the HDD with
the OS on it became D: while the original HDD remained C:

Any thoughts,


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