system file is missing or corrupt



I trying to start windows but i get this massage:
"windows could not start because following file is missing
or corrupt C:\windows\system32\config\system"
It went to Support & Troubleshooting on page;en-us;823614
It tells me there to use windows xp cd, restart my
computer and press R when the welcome to setup screen
appears but i only have the recovery cd and when i restart
with it
i don get the welcome to setup screen.

please help!


To fix the "windows\system32\config\system file is mising or corrupt" where
Xp wont boot:

Go to Recovery Console and type:

cd system32\config
ren system system.old
ren system.alt systemalt.old
copy c:\windows\repair\system
copy c:\windows\repair\regback\system

Recover from a Corrupted Registry Preventing Win XP from Starting;EN-US;q307545

Most users receive this error message after doing so:

You Cannot Log On to Windows XP After Running the Out-of-Box Experience;EN-US;q316134


Thank you kelly
But how to i go to Recovery Console?
-----Original Message-----
To fix the "windows\system32\config\system file is mising or corrupt" where
Xp wont boot:

Go to Recovery Console and type:

cd system32\config
ren system system.old
ren system.alt systemalt.old
copy c:\windows\repair\system
copy c:\windows\repair\regback\system

Recover from a Corrupted Registry Preventing Win XP from Starting;EN-US;q307545

Most users receive this error message after doing so:

You Cannot Log On to Windows XP After Running the Out-of-Box Experience;EN-US;q316134

All the Best,

[AE-Windows® XP]

Troubleshooting Windows XP

Utilities for Windows XP

dis said:
I trying to start windows but i get this massage:
"windows could not start because following file is missing
or corrupt C:\windows\system32\config\system"
It went to Support & Troubleshooting on page;en-us;823614
It tells me there to use windows xp cd, restart my
computer and press R when the welcome to setup screen
appears but i only have the recovery cd and when i restart
with it
i don get the welcome to setup screen.

please help!



I have experienced this problem twice now and have just
now brought my computer up. I had to do a "clean" re-
install of the os. I followed these steps to get to the
screen that you are talking about.

when you boot your computer press the "delete" button
when prompted at the bottom of the initial screen. This
should take you to your bios screen. Once there, choose
the cd rom as your boot up. Make sure that your xp cd is
in the drive.

This should prompt you to press "Any Key" to boot from
the cd rom. This should take you to the screen you are
referring to. It does give you an option of "XP Setup"
or "Recovery". I tried the recovery option but did not
have any success.

I wound up to a clean install.

I hope this helps. Keep in mind I am learning as I go.

On another note, I have not been able to find why this re-
occurs as I have had this happen twice. If you find out


dis said:
I trying to start windows but i get this massage:
"windows could not start because following file is missing
or corrupt C:\windows\system32\config\system"
It went to Support & Troubleshooting on page;en-us;823614
It tells me there to use windows xp cd, restart my
computer and press R when the welcome to setup screen
appears but i only have the recovery cd and when i restart
with it I don't get the welcome to setup screen.

Try a boot into Safe Mode, by hitting F8 just before the "Starting
Windows" screen would appear (takes a bit of practice).

If that does nothing, use a working PC to read this first...;en-us;q823614

Related info is here...;en-us;q307545
describes a three-step process to extract a copy of the registry
from the System Restore SVI folder.

Info on dealing with corruption issues...;en-us;822705

Reinstall/repair tutorials (if needed) are here...

After your system is restored, the ERUNT utility available here may
make it easier to fix the problem if it recurs...

If the problem persists, try swapping current RAM (even if it checks
good) for a single, high-quality 512Mb chip. XP reportedly is sensitive
to memory timing.

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