System Failed



Playing CivIV when I got a black screen two different times, also happened
when signing off AOL. I booted and got black op system. Strange
to say I hear a female voice saying over and over "System Failed. CP Impact.
Then I reboot and go into safe mode and get my op system back. What could be
causing this. Is it serious? I tried updating my sound driver (ac'97 3.98)
but after installing and restarting I got chkdsk which undid everything I

Will Denny


Have you updated the video driver as well - from the PC's manufacturer's web
site? If it is a Desktop PC.


Will Denny

MS MVP Shell/User
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Robert Morley

Civ IV has given a number of people problems with overheating their graphics
cards...nVidia's 6800GT line, in particular, but others as well. That
*could* be the source of your problems, but if it's happening as well when
you're signing off of AOL, then it's not likely. To be sure if it's the
video card or not, try Alt-Tabbing out of Civ IV every 15 minutes or so, sit
at your desktop screen for maybe a minute, then go back to Civ IV and play
some more. If it black-screens at any point during this (especially while
on your desktop), then it's probably not at overheated video card that's the

As others have said, make sure you've got the most recent drivers installed
for everything, and see if you can figure out a pattern to when the crashes
are happening. Video or your sound card *do* seem likely here, but don't
fixate on them.



I believe the latest update for my card. I get very confused at all the
drivers...but as far as I know it is the latest. Thanks for the suggestion

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