System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Could not find installable ISAM : Read Excel Spreadsheet in web-fo


Roger Twomey

I have a form that allows a user to upload a microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. (I
am testing with one created in Excel 2000)

The spreadsheet is uploaded correctly.

It is then supposed to be read and display in a datagrid. When the code
executes I get:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Could not find installable ISAM

here is the snippet that is to read the excel file:

If bolContinue = True Then
'Open the Excel file for import to the temp table in SQL
Dim strExcelConnector As String
strExcelConnector = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
DataSource=" + strFileName + "; Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"
Dim conExcel As New
Dim dsExcel As New DataSet
Dim daExcel As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from
[Sheet1$]", conExcel)


DataGrid1.DataSource = dsExcel.Tables(0).DefaultView

Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try

daExcel = Nothing
dsExcel = Nothing
conExcel = Nothing

End If


I know that the file name is correct. Beyond that... this is the first time
I have ever attempted to open an Excel file without excel! ;)

The file name is in the format "d:\wwwroot\inetpub\website\excel\excel.xls"

Note: I found documentation on the web that indicated msexcl40.dll might not
exist or could be in the wrong directory or not match the registry. I have
checked this. The file exists, it is where it belongs and the registry
matches reality.

I have also been looking for permissions issues (in case that was it) but
there are none.

Any ideas?


Roger Twomey

In the words of that great Philosopher Homer Simpson... "DOH!"

That was it!

Thanks for your help!

Of course now I am trying to figure out why the first row of data appears to
be corrupt but the rest is fine.

F1 F2 John Doe F5 fred@abc#com

789789789 789789789 Frank Doe 7057431006 (e-mail address removed)
123123123 123123123 Albert Doe 7057431006 (e-mail address removed)
963963963 963963963 Johannus Doe 7057431006 (e-mail address removed)
852852852 852852852 Jack Doe 7057431006 (e-mail address removed)
741741741 741741741 Andrew Doe 7057431006 (e-mail address removed)

(the empty row is legit.)

F1, F2, F5, fred@abc#com

are all invalid. Hmmmm......

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