System automatic shutdown



Twice in the last two days, I've recieved an automatic
shutdown message. It first tells me that the system will
be shutting down because a Remote Proceedure Call(RPC) has
been terminated unexpectedly. And the shutdown was
authorized by a NT SYSTEM\ADMIN or something along those
lines. It gives me a 60-second countdown and then shuts
off the computer. I'm downloading the latest service pack
now, but I can't seem to find the exact error that I'm
looking for listed in the fixes. Both times, I was
connected to the internet with a Dial-Up modem when it
happened, and all I'm trying to figure out right now is if
it is an attacker or a software error. Any ideas or help
would be appreciated. Just get in touch with me via e-
mail. Thanks.


I had a similar thing happen to me. The first time I was
on a message board and in the middle of typing a private
message, my keyboard froze up. I could click on links so I
closed the browser and disconnected from the net, and did
a reboot. When I tried to enter my password in the logon
box, my keyboard was still frozen. Then I noticed a
strange monocolor icon in the tray and clicked on it. It
was a program called sticky keys, which I'd never heard of
before. I exited this program and was able to resume
normal keyboard function.

A day later, I was on the same message board reading
postings when a remote computer shutdown window opened up
and a timer started counting down from 60 seconds. There
was nothing I could do to stop this.

In both instances, these events happened while on the net
and connected to the same message board.

I did a full computer scan with Norton and no viruses were
found. I think someone was trying to get me off the
message board, but I'd like to know how this can be
prevented in the future.

Comments would be greatly appreciated...thanks.


I have just started having this "system shutdown" problem on my IBM
Thinkpad T20 (Win XP Pro) and was wondering what is happening myself.
I have both dialup and DSL in my home and it seems as if it only
happens when I am on the dialup connection. It hasn't happened at all
when the laptop is on the DSL connection. (FYI, I also have a desktop
eMachine on the DSL and it hasn't happened there at all.)

I was not on a message board of any kind, so I don't think that is the
problem. It would be helpful to know if you were using a laptop and
what version of Windows you are using.

Also at the same time, I developed a problem with the
W32.Blaster.Worm. I just finished removing it and applying the
application MS patch (using my DSL connection), so I'm hopeful it has
fixed that problem and possibly(???) the shutdown problem. We'll see.

My suggestion would be to run your antivirus program. If you discover
the Blaster worm (probably attached to a file called msblast.exe), you
need to go to the Norton Antivirus definitions, find the
W32.Blaster.Worm removal tool and fix it.

I don't know if this will also fix the shutdown problem... I'll
re-post and let you know (assuming I can figure out how to get back
here, that is! LOL... this is my first time posting a message on this
board). Anyway, good luck! and if anyone has any further information
on the shutdown problem, please email me...


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