


im running some code to instantiate a form, based on the
name selected at runtime.

Im using System.Activator.CreateInstance to load a form
by its fully typed name, here is the code....

string fName = "frmToLoad";
Form myForm;

myForm = (Form)System.Activator.CreateInstance
(Type.GetType("HCS.SkillsRegister.Projects.UI." + fName));

this all works fine providing the form/type i am loading
is in the same assembly as the one this code piece is in
(the main executing assembly). I have an assembly that
uses the exact same namespace as the one the code
executes from(its a referenced dll), but yet i always get
a null reference exception when i try to load one of the
types from the referenced assembly. Even when i
instantiate an object from the referenced assembly first
(to preload the assembly) it still doesnt work.

The full type name is also correct

What am i missing here?


did you try


Przemek Sulikowski

Jeffrey Tan[MSFT]

Hi Guy,

You should get the loaded assembly's reference, then you can use reflection
on this assembly reference to create what you want.

Best regards
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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