SysFader and other stories




I have been having the following issues with my 'all patched' XP SP2 machine.


1. While the machine boots wonderfully, it takes almost 2-3 mins to really
allow me to do anything with it. Just keeps loading the 'normal processes'.
Nothing really strange here.

2. Many a time, the machine freezes on shutdown. Task Mgr shows under
Applications a dude going by 'SysFader' (related to Darth Vader???? :) )
After this the Task Mgr freezes too.

Hard Reboot is the only solution I could figure out in such a scenario.

Tried and Tested:
3. Updated all drivers. Problem persists.
4. Checked for spyware. Nothing here.
5. Scanned with Symantec Antivirus. Nothing here.
6. Enabled disabled services like Terminal Services which 'may' be giving
problems. Problem persists.
7. Clear pagefile during shutdown - disabled. Problem persists.
8. Tweaked Display config under
My computer > properties> Advanced Tab> Performance - Settings. Doesnt work.



Google is your friend:

According to MalWhere dot Com:
sysfader.exe description: Sysfader.exe is a utility used by some NVidia
graphic card packages.



WhoC@nItbN0W said:

I have been having the following issues with my 'all patched' XP SP2


1. While the machine boots wonderfully, it takes almost 2-3 mins to
really allow me to do anything with it. Just keeps loading the
'normal processes'. Nothing really strange here.

2. Many a time, the machine freezes on shutdown. Task Mgr shows under
Applications a dude going by 'SysFader' (related to Darth Vader????
:) ) After this the Task Mgr freezes too.

Hard Reboot is the only solution I could figure out in such a

Tried and Tested:
3. Updated all drivers. Problem persists.
4. Checked for spyware. Nothing here.
5. Scanned with Symantec Antivirus. Nothing here.
6. Enabled disabled services like Terminal Services which 'may' be
giving problems. Problem persists.
7. Clear pagefile during shutdown - disabled. Problem persists.
8. Tweaked Display config under
My computer > properties> Advanced Tab> Performance - Settings.
Doesnt work.


According to a free program "window watcher" sysfader is a animation helper.

Here is what the progam says about sysfader on my system.

Karen's Window Watcher

Window Handle: 0x0049048A (4785290)
Window Title: SysFader
Module File Name: C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
Process Priority: Normal
Read Operations: 8,550
Read Bytes: 28,335,838
Write Operations: 46
Write Bytes: 36,944
Window Location: 0, 0
Window Size: 0h x 0w
Window is Hidden? Yes
Window is Enabled? Yes
Window is Menu? No
Window State: Normal
Window Class Name: SysFader (Window Animation Helper)

I have googled sysfader in the past and their is many?'s about it, no clear
answer to what it is but I believe it is benign.

Do you believe that this is hanging up your shutdown?

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