sys crashes (blue screen) after adaware scan started



My Dell with Win XP and SP2 more often than not gets real busy with
explorer.exe lately as I've noticed with task manager ( 50% cpu usage when
nothing obvious happening except computer slow to respond). All my MS
programs are on auto-update where possible. I have Norton's system-works 05
with auto-update active and when I ran a Nortons virus scan, nothing was
detected. After d/l-ing the latest update from Adaware (SE1R91 08.02.2006)
and everytime when performing either "smart-scan" or "full-scan", 3 suspect
modules are found within the 1st half-minute of the scan then the system
crashes w/ blue screen and "fatal error" msg, regardless of either it being
run in safe or normal modes. When running Spy-Bot S&D, it'll scan through the
first 8500 or so bug checks then stop with the following error msg:
"Error During Check! Windows.RedirectedHosts [Datei
C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts kann nicht geoffnet werden. The process
cannot access the file because it is being used by another process]",
Followed by...
"Congratulations! No immediate threats were found!"
Evertime I've tried Trend-Micro's "House Call" lately, both the Java and
the Browser Add-on versions, after a couple of minutes IE "encountered a
problem an must close" and it does.
I'm going to try "Bazooka" and "ie-spyad" that I read about in another
post, but I'm not too hopeful as I suspect something's DEEP in my system.
I appreciate any help. Thanks.


Some antispyware in the majorgeeks antispyware page may help... start with
HijackThis, it misses nothing but you have to identify the malware and
delete them yourself with the "Fix checked" button and then from the backups
in Settings\Backups.

Also go to Start\Run\type; msconfig and hit Enter and in Startup, disable
unknown processes. Next go to the Run keys in the Windows registry and
delete any unknown process, which could be the malware that's causing your
problems. Go to Start\Run\and type regedit and hit enter... and look in
the Local Machine and Current User registry hives and look for possible
malicious values.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and in


Just to update, thank you for your help Juan. I tried those things, but it's
still the same. I do have the msg given when it crashes after starting an
Adaware scan. It's as follows: " Stop: C000021a {Fatal System Error} Windows
logon process system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of
0x0000005 (0x00000000 0x00000000) "
Thank you again for any help.


Thank you Gerry,
I'll follow the link, but the reaction is the same when Adaware is run safe
mode as well.


Ok, thanks Juan and Gerry for trying to help. It was as I suspected. I was
severely infected. But after following the "Malware Removal and Prevention"
link at: , my computer now is the
cleanest it's EVER been. Which is saying a lot, having two teenaged boys
using my computer quite frequently!
Thanks again for your help.


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