syntax error



I'm tyring to using the following statement and get a syntax error:

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE[Table1] set[Date] = Null WHERE [Stock Number] = '" &
strA & "'"

What is wrong with this statement? I'm trying to update a table where the
"Stock Number" in the table is equal to a variable (based on the stock

Thanks for the help........

Dave Patrick

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE[Table1] set[Date] = Null WHERE [Stock Number] = '" &
strA & "'; "


Dave Patrick ....Please no email replies - reply in newsgroup.
Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft MVP [Windows]

| I'm tyring to using the following statement and get a syntax error:
| DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE[Table1] set[Date] = Null WHERE [Stock Number] = '" &
| strA & "'"
| What is wrong with this statement? I'm trying to update a table where the
| "Stock Number" in the table is equal to a variable (based on the stock
| number).
| Thanks for the help........
| --
| JT


Is [Stock Number] alphanumeric or just numeric? If it's strictly numeric,
you don't use the single quotes.

Randall Arnold

Tim Ferguson

DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE[Table1] set[Date] = Null WHERE [Stock Number] =
'" & strA & "'"

Don't know if it's just me, but this comes with lots of blanks missing.
Try this:

jetSQL = "UPDATE Table1 " & vbCrLF & _
"SET [Date]=NULL" & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE [Stock Number]=""" & strA & """;"

Oh, and always check your inline code:

Debug.Assert vbYes = MsgBox( _
jetSQL, vbYesNo, "Is this okay?")

And then run it with safety checks on:

CurrentDB().Execute jetSQL, dbFailOnError

By the way, you would find life much easier if you paid a bit more
attention to you field naming system...

All the best

Tim F

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