Symbol Scanner Problem


Mystic Mong

Hi there,

This is a bit of a re-post but it is doing my nut in!

Has anyone else experienced problems with Symbol scanners crashing after
about 250 scans? I have apps written using the Symbol SDK code to manage the
scanner in VB.NET on Symbol 8146 and 8846 units (PocketPC 2002 & 2003). The
units throw an out-of-memory exception approximately every 250 scans (it
varies from 243-260). The units do lose memory every scan until they get to
about 16MB of program memory free then stay at that level but rarely get
below that. After they have thrown the exception I can restart the scanning
form (without doing any sort of reset) and I get another 250 scans.

I've wasted loads of time testing the possibility of it being an SqlCe or
Sql memory leak but don't think it's that. I've tried varying methods of
disposing the scanner variables and using the GC.Collect but nothing seems
to make a difference. Basically, I keep coming back to the scanner being the

In almost desperation I ask - any thoughts?




I would first check the sample applications by Symbol. There must be in
an Application dir.

If the work ok, go and check the sample code for scanning. It is clear
you are having a memory leak problem.

If you fail, and as a temporary solution, try to run ScanWedge which
runs once and stays resident and activates the scanner. It also has a
configuration capability where you can customize the scanner's

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