Switching users reboots PC



I'm running Win XP Home with the latest updates. After a recent update from
MS, I can no longer switch between users. The moment I clock on the other
user from the login screen, my PC reboots.

I've had this problem in the past, but can't find the solution for it nor
where I wrote it down.

Can someone please help? This is extemely annoying. Why can't MS leave well
enough alone (read: why do they have to mess with our own settings?)

Thanks in advance.


Are you using a special software somthing like when you install it after a
fresh installation of windows XP this problem occured


It worked fine until I installed a recent Windows update from MS. (My PC is
set to automatically download and install them, so I don't know which update
caused this.)


Check the following: Control panel>User accounts>Change way users log on and
off>Use fast user switching


I've got Fast user Switching turned on. I've even turned it off and tried.
These are the stepps:

Log in as User A
Start>Log Off>Switch User
Click on Login for User B
PC reboots

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