Switching off 'Save preview picture' in Excel




Is it possible to swith off the option to save preview
picture (File-Properties) with a macro?

I'm automatically converting XLS files to HTML and
if 'Save preview picture' is enabled, then WMF and
filelist files are also created in a subfolder.

I could of course simply delete those subfolders, but I
usually convert a lot of files. Besides - I cannot simply
detect the files that create subfolders at conversion for
other reasons (eg. have data on several sheets).


Bill Manville

Bostjan said:
Is it possible to swith off the option to save preview
picture (File-Properties) with a macro?

Better late than never?

Sub NoPreviewPic()
SendKeys "^{PGUP}^{HOME}^{PGDN}+{TAB}+{TAB}+{TAB}-{TAB}{ENTER}"
End Sub

I've submitted a request for programmatic access to this setting.

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England
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