Switching Forms



Newbie question.
I have a logon Web Form which, once the server has validated the
logon, I want to open up a main form.
i.e. In a windows app I would write something like
frmMain f = new frmMain();
Can I do the equivalent with web forms? If so, how?

bob clegg

Hi Mark,
Thank you.
I was wondering if you could comment on my overall approach as the
project is on a tight time table and I don't really have time to
blunder off down the wrong path.

It is a job sheet issuing application.
the default.aspx consumes a Logon Webservice over Https.
This web service passes back a random number as a key and also writes
the key and a 1 hour expiry date to the database via a SPROC

Default.aspx saves the key to the session collection.
I propose that the second page 'main.aspx' will grab the key from the
Session collection and use it as a parameter when it is consuming the
functions of the main webservice over http.
i.e. Getting a list of jobs and posting back progress.

The https / http split is because I have read that Https has
significant performance degradation compared to http. The 'customers'
(employees) will be using the website from remote areas with minimal
1) They logon.
2) Printout job sheet(s) from Data provided by Main Webservice.
3) Do work and at End of Day logon and update data via Main

The 'Data' has yet to be decided. I realise it has to be serializable
but any thoughts on this would be appreciated. i.e. Dataset, XMLDoc,..
I need to balance ease of implementation against performance.

If you think the data aspects make it unsuitable for a thin client I
have the option of writing a thick client. But this ties the app down
to particular PC's. Not a huge problem, but a consideration that is
causing me to go down the thin client path.
Thanks again
P.S. I will be away for a couple of days with no NewsGroup access.
Shall catch up when I get back.

bob clegg

Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply.
Maybe I'll write the thick client and buy some time with that.
[top-posting corrected]
I was wondering if you could comment on my overall approach as the
project is on a tight time table and I don't really have time to
blunder off down the wrong path.

I really can't emphasise strongly enough that, without acquiring at least
some basic ASP.NET skills, you're going to find things *really* difficult.
You may be the best WinForms coder in the world - that won't help you one
iota when it comes to ASP.NET architecture... Since the project is on a
tight timetable, I would strongly advise you to hire a temporary ASP.NET
contractor while you get yourself skilled up...

That said, the app doesn't sound particularly difficult, and your proposed
approach doesn't sound unreasonable...

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