


I want to restrict a user from seeing all of the menu items on a switchboard.
I just want the user to see one item. It seems that there should be a way
to limit or add items for each users specific need. The frontend contains the
one switchboard file and locks every frontend to it.


I have a solution to this but it is a little complicated. I use it, and it
works well. I created tables tblSwitchboardLoader and tblSwitchboardGroups.
I use these tables to populate Switchboard Items on-the-fly while my splash
screen is up. tlbSwitchboardLoader has all the items that would be in the
Switchboard Items table with the exception of the actual switchboard pages.
tlbSwitchboardGroups is a child table of tblSwitchboardLoader and has all the
groups that the menu item is allowed on. In my case it is more complicated
because I added features that don't exist in the default Switchboard. Such
as passing parameters or opening form or report in various view or with
arguments. All that is not necessary, but using the tables above an loading
the switchboard items table from those tables should serve your purpose.


I forgot one important detail... The database must be split. Each user must
have their own front end. The Switchboard Items table must be on the front
end. I also have the tblSwitchboardLoader and ...Groups tables on the front
end, but that isn't necessary. Security is implemented so that each user has
their own identity. I check to see if the user is a member of a group in the
groups table for an item in the loader table and if so, the item is added to
the switchboard items table.

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