Switch User Not Functioning



I am running XP Home, and I have been able to use the switch user
function for a while. Recently though, I have been unable to get it to work.
I have 5 different user accounts on my comp and I have come to love "windows
logo key + L." Now all I get is the lock function when I press windows +L.
When selecting switch user from the log off screen nothing happens!
I have tried going to the control panel and user accounts and selecting
welcome screen, fast user switching to no avail. I select user switching and
click "apply options" but when I go back to the previous screen, the user
switching has been unchecked! It is almost like when I check user switching,
someone unchecks it after i push apply! I am stumped.
I recently downloaded and installed the beta microsoft antispyware
because of a newdot spyware problem, not sure if that is related to this
problem though.


Thank you for your response Ramesh, I followed it to the letter and now I
can windows+L to my hearts desire. Thanks again for your help, I will
remember servives.msc.

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