svchost hotfix... Is it for me???


Tim Estes

Like just about everyone else I've spoken with recently,
it seems svchost.exe takes over my box. Most frequently,
it is when one of the other users on the system logs out
after extensive time away ... like they go to lunch, come
back, log out, and suddenly svchost hits 100% cpu...
I also see it if no one is logged in for a long time -
say over 1 hr... when I log in, it takes about 20
minutes (no exageration) to finish the startup rotines
and get to my desktop. Applications take forever to
start. Only cure has been to reboot. Then all is well
I see there is a hotfix available 834223 that seems to be
focused on svchost memory leaks.. it sure sounds like me,
but is it safe? If so, how do I obtain a copy?


The following was excerpted from:;en-

"RESOLUTION A supported hotfix is now available from
Microsoft, but it is only intended to correct the problem
that is described in this article. Only apply it to
systems that are experiencing this specific problem. This
hotfix may receive additional testing. Therefore, if you
are not severely affected by this problem, Microsoft
recommends that you wait for the next Microsoft Windows
XP service pack that contains this hotfix.

"To resolve this problem immediately, contact Microsoft
Product Support Services to obtain the hotfix. For a
complete list of Microsoft Product Support Services phone
numbers and information about support costs, visit the
following Microsoft Web site:"


Tim Estes

Thanks Ruby... I saw that ... guess what I was hoping was
someone would be able to tell me how dangerous the hotfix
is... and how effective it is in fixing svchost.exe...

Any idea how long it will be before the next XP service
pak is released???

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