


What is svchost.exe? Keeps trying to access the internet and notron keeps
asking me if I want to give permission or block. So far I've chose "block".


It's one of the important applications that act as a host process for services. This is needed by XP and is not a problem. However, that being said, if it is trying to access the internet then chances are you have what is known as the w32.Bugbear.b@mm worm , here is a link to a removal tool.[email protected]
Always have an Anti-virus program running as well as your firewall enabled. Good luck. {:~)

Alex Nichol

ralf said:
What is svchost.exe? Keeps trying to access the internet and notron keeps
asking me if I want to give permission or block. So far I've chose "block".

It is the interface used to load and communicate with a whole slew of
system services. They get loaded in groups, so there are usually four
or five copies of svchost running, one per group. Some of those
services want internet access - eg Update and Time Sync - I suggest
allowing svchost to access the net, but not to act as a server

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