suppressing a winform control's event handler


David C

This probably sounds like a newbie question, so please be gentle with

Say you have a checkbox and have an event handler for the Checked

I want that event handler to fire only in response to the human user
changing the checkbox, not when the value is set in code (such will be
a case when the checked property is set based on the value from the

I have tried using a flag to suppress the event handler while checked
is set in code.

suppressCheckedHandler = true;
chkCompleted.Checked = valueFromDataBase;
suppressCheckedHandler = false;

private void chkCompleted_CheckedChanged(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)
if (suppressCheckedHandler)

Well, it sucks to have to have that that for every control, and for my
situation, I am getting caught up in the chicken or the egg quagmire.
This isn't an issue in ASP.NET and I don't remember this being the
case when I did VB 6.0 7 years ago.

So what programming model would you suggest besides having a flag to
maintain for each control?

Thanks in advance.

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