suppress zeroes w/out " "" " ?



* I've got a simple spreadsheet w/ 7 columns. Cols A-G gather data thr
simple calculations, and col H uses that info to produce a 'master
Here's my problem. Col C uses a simple multiplication op, lik
"$B2*0.3365", to produce one of the values col H must use. But I go
tired of looking at all the zeroes in col C, representing all the cell
in col B which lacked data, so I changed the formula in C to:
IF($B2>0,$B2*0.3365,"") (w/out the colon). Now that works fine t
suppress the zeroes in col C, except that evidently using thos
double-quotes has the effect of producing a string, because all th
unused cells in the last column, column H, immediately give th
"#VALUE" error msge.
Someone please tell me how to suppress the zero values in col C w/ou
having all the #VALUE error msgs in H show up?

And before you suggest going to Tools>Options>View>Windo
Options>Zero Values, uncheck the box--allow me to input the fact tha
I'm using a version of Excel which lacks that capability. ("Pocke
Excel", on a pocket pc)
And please--before you flame me for asking a question w/ refers t
Pocket Excel in this forum, could you suggest a better place to ask m

Thanks for your time & attention to detail !

Evans, CO.


How about modifying the calculation in column H so that it displays an empty
string if column C does is an empty string? You could change H1 as follows:

=IF(ISTEXT(C1),"",<insert original calculation>)

Frank Kabel

not sure if this is supported by Pocket Excel: Try a custom format such

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