Summary Query for a Report



Hello all...My problem is sort of a mix between Queries and Reports. I have
5 queries that generate data for 5 different reports. What I need is one
that summarizes everything. For example:

Checks/Wires Query pulls this,

Payments pulls

Lockbox pulls

I need to summarize all of this into one report to say the Total leftover is
$140,000. However, when I run this query, it is generating some strange
data. Here is a copy of my query.

Field: LeftOver LeftOver LeftOver LeftOver LeftOver
Table: Chks/Wires CollAgcy Lckbx MCare Payments

What it seems to be doing is this, for some reason it picked the number 48.
So for the checks and wires column, instead of pulling $15,000 once, it pulls
$15,000 48 times. For the payments column instead of pulling two records
($2,000 and $3,000) it pulls $2,000 16 times and $3,000 16 times and $0 16
times. It does the same for all the other columns.

Please Help!! Thank you all. I hope this was clear enough.

Jeff Boyce

What ties all these queries together? I.e., how is query 1 related to query
2 and ...?

Another approach might be to use a main report, define 5 reports (based on
the queries), and embed the 5 as subreports in the main report.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


There really is no relation to the queries. I do have 5 reports for each
query and just want to summarize those 5 reports into one. So I'm going to
have 6 reports total.

Thanks for the subreport option. I'll try it and let you know how it works.

Thanks again,

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