sumif problems


Mr Zero

Hello. I am having problems using the countif function with differen
workbooks. I am trying to create a worksheet that creates a tota
daily uniform inventory (giving a count of the various sizes of eac
uniform item). For example:

=SUM(((COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform Master.xls]Restauran
A'!B2:B41, "xl"))+(COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Unifor
Master.xls]Restaurant B'!B:B, "xl"))))

Here I am counting all size XL garments collected from two differen
worksheets within the source workbook.

I had no problems with this method before (I understand that the sourc
workbook must be open with the countif function). After functionin
properly for serveral days I am now getting a #VALUE! error out of th
blue when I update the spreadsheet with the source open. I haven'
made any changes to the source workbook, either. Can anyone tell m
why this error has appeared?

Also, I create a new worksheet daily so that I can compare my "on hand
to my "needed" . The source workbook is updated as the workforc
changes. Is there a way to only update the newest worksheet leavin
the older worksheets with the numbers from the previous days count??

Thanks for any and all help

Dave Peterson

Some functions won't work with closed workbooks. =countif() is one of them.

But you can replace each of your =countif()'s with =sumproduct().

=SUMPRODUCT(--('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform Master.xls]Restaurant A'!B2:B41="xl"))

And since you're adding these, you could even drop the outside =sum() stuff.

isn't necessary
is fine
is ok, too.

Mr said:
Hello. I am having problems using the countif function with different
workbooks. I am trying to create a worksheet that creates a total
daily uniform inventory (giving a count of the various sizes of each
uniform item). For example:

=SUM(((COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform Master.xls]Restaurant
A'!B2:B41, "xl"))+(COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform
Master.xls]Restaurant B'!B:B, "xl"))))

Here I am counting all size XL garments collected from two different
worksheets within the source workbook.

I had no problems with this method before (I understand that the source
workbook must be open with the countif function). After functioning
properly for serveral days I am now getting a #VALUE! error out of the
blue when I update the spreadsheet with the source open. I haven't
made any changes to the source workbook, either. Can anyone tell me
why this error has appeared?

Also, I create a new worksheet daily so that I can compare my "on hand"
to my "needed" . The source workbook is updated as the workforce
changes. Is there a way to only update the newest worksheet leaving
the older worksheets with the numbers from the previous days count??

Thanks for any and all help.

Dave Peterson

And one more thing, you can't use a whole column with =sumproduct().

So you'll have to shorten up your range (b1:b1000)--just make it big enough to
get all the data you'll ever use--so you don't have to adjust the formula each
time you add rows.

Mr said:
Hello. I am having problems using the countif function with different
workbooks. I am trying to create a worksheet that creates a total
daily uniform inventory (giving a count of the various sizes of each
uniform item). For example:

=SUM(((COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform Master.xls]Restaurant
A'!B2:B41, "xl"))+(COUNTIF('F:\home\Locker\[Uniform
Master.xls]Restaurant B'!B:B, "xl"))))

Here I am counting all size XL garments collected from two different
worksheets within the source workbook.

I had no problems with this method before (I understand that the source
workbook must be open with the countif function). After functioning
properly for serveral days I am now getting a #VALUE! error out of the
blue when I update the spreadsheet with the source open. I haven't
made any changes to the source workbook, either. Can anyone tell me
why this error has appeared?

Also, I create a new worksheet daily so that I can compare my "on hand"
to my "needed" . The source workbook is updated as the workforce
changes. Is there a way to only update the newest worksheet leaving
the older worksheets with the numbers from the previous days count??

Thanks for any and all help.

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