SUMIF and AND help



Is it possible to use the SUMIF and AND functions together in on

I have a list of vendors and the total cost associated with each. Th
vendors show up in the rows in multiple instances down column A.
would like to sum all the total costs in column X for each vendor. I
this were all, I could use this formula =sumif(a1:a100,"=vendor name"
x1:x100). However, I have one additional wrinkle in this. There ar
certain rows for each vendor that I do not want to include in my su
formula. I have noted with the letter "y" in column K for the rows tha
I am interested in and would like to skip the rows for each vendor tha
do not include the "y".

Any help to accomplish this will be greatly appreciated.

Here's a summary of where my data set up...

In column A, I have a list of vendors.
In column X, I have the total cost associated with column A.
In column K, I have noted with the letter "y" the vendors in column
that I want to include in the sum of the total costs in column X.

Please let me know if I am unclear


I've not really thought this through, but a possibility springs to mind. In
a spare column put a formula like =IF(K1="y",A1,"")
This will put the vendor name in this new column, only if column K is "y".
You can then use your original formula, but referencing the new column
instead of A.


Try this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(X1:X100),--(K1:K100="y"),--(A1:A100="Vendor Name"))


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