Sum when two conditions are met



Sorry to be such a bother to everyone...need one last formula.

I need to sum a Column when it meets Three conditions.

When the date is the same as "a189", when there is a value in a cell in
column "C" and there is also a value in column "O" (both the values in column
"C" & "O" have to be in the same row. If TRUE, give a value of "1" at each
occurence and sum those values. I came up with the following:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Service Request Log'!$B$4:$B$5000=$A189)*(LEFT('Service
Request Log'!$C$4:$C$5000,1)="0"))+SUMPRODUCT(--('Service Request
Log'!$B$4:$B$5000=$A189)*(LEFT('Service Request Log'!$O$4:$O$5000,1)<>0))

But this is treating each column ("C" & "O") as seperate values and adding
them together. So instead of a value of say, "5" for a certain date, I am
getting "15" becasue there are "10" entries in column "C" and "5" entries in
column "O".


I probably should have mentioned that Column "C" has a string of numbers (IE:
06-123.123) and column "O" will just have text in either one so
I gues I should not be using the LEFT function, huh?


See response in your other post.

jimswinder said:
I probably should have mentioned that Column "C" has a string of numbers (IE:
06-123.123) and column "O" will just have text in either one so
I gues I should not be using the LEFT function, huh?

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