Sum Totals



I am working on a spreadsheet that has weekly totals stored on it. I want to
attach a summary page that shows the sum of these totals. Is there any way I
can setup the function to pick up the cells that have the weekly totals
without having to select each cell individually?

Dave Peterson

Are you using Data|Subtotals to get those subtotals?

If yes, then maybe you can just keep the data where it sits and use the
outlining symbols to the left to hide the details.

If you really want to copy just the subtotals, you can hide the details
select the range to copy
Visible cells only

and paste where you want.

If this doesn't help, you may want to explain more.



Sounds like you have the weekly totals and the daily totals in the same
column. Why not put the weekly totals in a seperate column and then sum that
column? In any case if you want specific answers then you'll need to provide
more details.



Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I have to add up cells in a column that are 6
cells apart as these cells contain the figures I need to sum. However I do
not want to have to select all of these sells individually. Is there any
function I could use to simplify this? I have seen one that sums figures in a
row which were 10 cells apart i.e. A10, A20, A30 etc using
sumproduct((mod(row(A1:A50),10),0)*A1:A50)). Is there anything like this for
columns? As my info starts at F14 and is in every sixth colum after that.


Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I have to add up cells in a column that are 6
cells apart as these cells contain the figures I need to sum. However I do
not want to have to select all of these sells individually. Is there any
function I could use to simplify this? I have seen one that sums figures in a
row which were 10 cells apart i.e. A10, A20, A30 etc using
sumproduct((mod(row(A1:A50),10),0)*A1:A50)). Is there anything like this for
columns? As my info starts at F14 and is in every sixth colum after that.



Try something like this:



Dave Peterson

Sure. You can use the same kind of formula:


Personally, I'd use another row as an indicator.

Put an x there (or something).

Then use:


Then I could relax--just in case someone inserted/deleted a column.

ps, don't forget to include the sheet names!



OOPS.......Guess I misread your post


Sorry about that!

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