Sum Time



Hi there - and HELP!!! with another probably simple thing, but spent
ages looking for an answer to no avail.
Have hours in cell A1 and minutes in cell A2 and looking for cell A3 to
read total, but all readings are over the 24 hours. e.g:

32 hrs(A1) 30 min(A2) 32:30(A3)

So far in A3 tried =SUM(TIME(A1,A2,0)) with A3 formatted as [h]:mm, and
tried various other formats and formulas, but it still won't read over
24 hours. Also tried in A3 just =TIME(A1,A2,0).
Am truly stuck.
All the best


I'm assuming you just have the numbers 32 and 30 in cells A1 and A2

try either




for either format as [h]:mm

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