Sum function with Insert row ???



I have the following problem:

example (see also attachment):
Cell E4 has a sum formula "=SUM(E5:E5)" and in E5 a have a value. An
the same for several columns

I would like to insert a row (between E4 and E5 or after E5) and hav
the SUM formula expanding the range to "=SUM(E5:E6)" with VBA.

This works fine if I already have more than one row in my formula (se
attachment) but if the area only has 1 row at the beginnig, it doesn'
expand the range automatically....

Please help!?

Attachment filename: insertexpl.xls
Download attachment:

Trevor Shuttleworth

One way:

=SUM(OFFSET(E4,1,):OFFSET(E6,-1,)) and drag across



Bob Phillips

How about




Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


I think my question was not very clear...

I have already a VBA (that is linked to a button) to insert a ro
(because the sheet is protected for the enduser).

And this VBA is not working properly (see code). I don't want to cop
paste new formulas every time...

Thanks for help again.

Sub InsertRowDay()
' InsertRow at active cell position
' Macro written 10/27/2003 by LANZGOE

Dim row As Integer
Dim Cell As String

row = ActiveCell.row
Cell = ActiveCell.Address

'Range("A" & Row).Select

If Selection.Locked = True Then
MsgBox ("You can't insert a row here. Place cursor in yellow cel
(not protected)!")
Exit Sub
ElseIf Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Locked = True Then
MsgBox ("Common Diane, You can't insert a row here!")
Exit Sub
End If

'Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Rows(row & ":" & row).Select
'Range("A" & row + 1).Select
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range("A" & row + 1).Select
Range("E" & row + 1 & ":K" & row + 1).Select
Range("A" & row + 1).Select

ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Su

David McRitchie

The whole purpose of the OFFSET is to only directly reference
the cells relative to the row the formula is on. So that rows can
be inserted/deleted without having the change parts of a formula

For a row of totals:
E5: =SUM(E$2:OFFSET(E5,-1,0)) [--instead of =SUM(E2:E4) ]
copy across with the fill handle, so that
F5: =SUM(F$2:OFFSET(F5,-1,0))

For a balance column as on my insrtrow.htm page
F5: =OFFSET(F5,-1,0) + D5 - E5 [--instead of =F4+D5-E5]
fill down with the fill handle, so that
F6: =OFFSET(F6,-1,0) + D6 - E6

More information on
Insert a Row using a Macro to maintain formulas

Trevor Shuttleworth said:
=SUM(OFFSET(E4,1,):OFFSET(E6,-1,)) and drag across

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