Subtract Dates stored as text fields



I have two fields in the same table:
1. ClinDate
2. AD (Default Value: =Now())

AD inculded both the date and time. Is there any way in which i can change
it just to date?

Also, both are text fields. I want to substrat AD-Date. However, i get an
error msg saying 'Data type mismatch' when i try to do so. What am I doing
How can I subtract the two?

Thank you


Thank you!

DateValue(CVDate([AD])) - CVDate([ClinDate])
Build a little - Test a little

Radhika said:
I have two fields in the same table:
1. ClinDate
2. AD (Default Value: =Now())

AD inculded both the date and time. Is there any way in which i can change
it just to date?

Also, both are text fields. I want to substrat AD-Date. However, i get an
error msg saying 'Data type mismatch' when i try to do so. What am I doing
How can I subtract the two?

Thank you


Thank you!

DateValue(CVDate([AD])) - CVDate([ClinDate])
Build a little - Test a little

Radhika said:
I have two fields in the same table:
1. ClinDate
2. AD (Default Value: =Now())

AD inculded both the date and time. Is there any way in which i can change
it just to date?

Also, both are text fields. I want to substrat AD-Date. However, i get an
error msg saying 'Data type mismatch' when i try to do so. What am I doing
How can I subtract the two?

Thank you

John W. Vinson

I have two fields in the same table:
1. ClinDate
2. AD (Default Value: =Now())

AD inculded both the date and time. Is there any way in which i can change
it just to date?

Use =Date() as the default instead of =Now().

To update existing values, update the field to Format(DateValue([AD])),
"mm/dd/yyyy") using the format that you want.
Also, both are text fields. I want to substrat AD-Date. However, i get an
error msg saying 'Data type mismatch' when i try to do so. What am I doing

WHY are they text fields, if you want them to store date information? You're
making your life much harder than it needs to be! Is there any good reason NOT
to store date data in a date field, in your circumstances?

John W. Vinson

I have two fields in the same table:
1. ClinDate
2. AD (Default Value: =Now())

AD inculded both the date and time. Is there any way in which i can change
it just to date?

Use =Date() as the default instead of =Now().

To update existing values, update the field to Format(DateValue([AD])),
"mm/dd/yyyy") using the format that you want.
Also, both are text fields. I want to substrat AD-Date. However, i get an
error msg saying 'Data type mismatch' when i try to do so. What am I doing

WHY are they text fields, if you want them to store date information? You're
making your life much harder than it needs to be! Is there any good reason NOT
to store date data in a date field, in your circumstances?

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