subtotal with vba(urgent)




I'm new to vb. pls help me out from this problem.

data in excel like this.
sttype hr1 hr2
------ -- ---
S7 10 20
S7 30 30
S14 40 30
S14 20 50

OUTPUT. in the last row looks like this.
S7 40 50
S14 60 80.

I've need output in the last row like above no of row are not fixed .

your help is greatly appreciated.


Dick Dawson

I could answer your question but I choose not to. You really need to read
something about VBA rather than hoping that someone will write code for you.
The best use of a newsgroup is to pose specific questions about subjects you
know something about after you've made a best effort to solve the problem
for yourself.



I would avoid the VBA for this. I would use either Subtotaling (Data ->
Subtotal) or a Pivot Table (Data -> Pivot Table). My preference between the
two is a pivot table, but either solution will work for you. If you go with
the subtotaling then you need to sort your data prior to inserting the


Hi Dawson,

Thanks for your immediate reply. I have tried my level best. I'm able
to do total sum but i need to brake like below what i mentioned. here
i'm giving my coding i'm not sure where i'm doing wrong. pls help

Sub summary()
Dim srow As Integer
Dim erow As Integer
Dim STYPE As String
Dim STVALUE As String
Dim LROW As Integer
Dim nrow As Integer
Dim LCONTINUE As Boolean

LROW = 0
nrow = 1

Do Until Selection.Value = ""
Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select
endrow = Selection.Row - 1
nrow = nrow + 1

STYPE = "A2"

For lcount = 1 To endrow
'While LCONTINUE = True
If Range(STYPE).Value <> Range(STVALUE).Value Then
Range("b" & endrow + 2).Formula = "=SUM(b2:b" & endrow & ")"
Range("b" & endrow + 2 & ":C" & endrow + 2).FillRight
STYPE = "A" & CStr(nrow)
End If
Next lcount
End Sub

your help is greatly appreciated.


I could answer your question but I choose not to. You really need to
something about VBA rather than hoping that someone will write code for
The best use of a newsgroup is to pose specific questions about
subjects you
know something about after you've made a best effort to solve the
for yourself.


Cliff Carson

It's hard for me to read your code - maybe it's because there are so many
ways to do a thing in VBA and I'm a spoiled C programmer who likes C because
it is a compact language that doesn't provide so many choices. In other
words, I think I would do things very differently using a smaller set of
things I know about VBA. Notwithstanding, here are a few things you need to
look at:
- What's the purpose of the LROW variable? You set it to 0 then you
increment it once. It is essentially an integer constant with a value of 1.
It seems as if you had something else in mind for this variable.
- Same question for nrow. It is essentially an integer constant of 2. It
seems as if you must have intended for these variables to be modified within
some loop.
- What's going on in your "for loop" when you set Formula and FillRight?
These operations end up always being applied to the same cells because
nothing in those expressions changes as the loop increments.
- Same question for STYPE in your loop - it is a "loop invariant" meaning
its value never changes so why do you have this statement inside the loop?

In summary, I'm much more convinced than before that you should be learning
VBA through a good book rather than trying to solve an "urgent" problem
right now.



Hi cliff,

thanks a lot for your response. I'm not a VB guy. basically i'm Oracle
guy. suddenly I've need to write a macro for some data which taking
data from my procedure. so I'm trying to do this task . I dont have a
time to go thru this is very urgent so that is why i posted into the

I've tried diffrent types .I'm not sure about vb features thats making
me tought to write the code.

I hope you can understand. tx a lot for ur suggestions. I will do it
what every u mentioned.

if possible pls helpme out.


Cliff Carson

You seem desperate and maybe I'm feeling foolish today so I'm giving you the
code. If this is part of an independent learning experience or you are a
student, then I've done a good deed. However if you have a job and need
this to please your boss then I feel I've done you a disservice. You should
really tell your boss that you don't know how to solve the problem and that
he should anticipate "urgent" situations better and either provide more
training for you or find someone else with the right skills. There's no use
in setting false expectations.

My solution assumes your data matrix starts at the upper left cell and is
terminated by a blank row. Also, I think your solution of trying to stick
formulas into the worksheet was the wrong approach. Hopefully you'll be
able to understand this code sufficiently to see that I took a different

Sub subTotal()
Dim s7Sub(1) As Long
Dim s14Sub(1) As Long
Dim currentRow As Integer
Dim tag As String

Erase s7Sub
Erase s14Sub
currentRow = 1

tag = Trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1))
While tag <> ""
If tag = "S7" Then
s7Sub(0) = s7Sub(0) + ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2)
s7Sub(1) = s7Sub(1) + ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)
ElseIf tag = "S14" Then
s14Sub(0) = s14Sub(0) + ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2)
s14Sub(1) = s14Sub(1) + ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1
tag = Trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1))

currentRow = currentRow + 1
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1) = "S7 subtotal"
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2) = s7Sub(0)
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3) = s7Sub(1)
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1) = "S14 subtotal"
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2) = s14Sub(0)
ActiveSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3) = s14Sub(1)
End Sub


Hi Cliff,

Intially Thanks for code.

Hey cliff you know what is meaning of forum it means sharing of
knowldge. ok. If somebody is in trouble we have to share knowledge,
better not give the lectures and unnecessary advices, better learn how
to help others otherwise keep quite . If u don't want to share better
out from the forum.

I'm very busy with my other tasks thats why i posted my question.time
doen't permit me to do this.ok.

But it doesn't work for me. Its static . I'm able to solve my problem.

If you want you can use for yourself also.

Sub ff()

Dim i, j As Long
Dim startrw As Long
Dim erow As Integer

i = 3
j = 2
startrw = 2

Do While Cells(j, 1) <> ""
erow = erow + 1
j = j + 1

Do While Cells(i - 1, 1) <> ""
If Cells(i - 1, 1).Value <> Cells(i, 1).Value Then
If Cells(erow + 3, 2) <> "" Then
erow = erow + 2
End If
Range(Cells(erow + 3, 2), Cells(erow + 3, 4)).Formula =
"=Sum(b" & startrw & _
":b" & i - 1 & ")"
startrw = i
End If
i = i + 1

End Sub


Cliff Carson

I won't debate with you in a newsgroup so this is my last post. Your code
is fragile and breaks easily. Try a case in which all the S7 entries are
not contiguous and/or all the S14 entries are not contiguous. Maybe you
think the data won't be provided that way but if your code has any value it
may outlast you and when someone else makes a change to the input your
output will be broken. This is why I said putting formulas into the sheet
was bad design - it can't be adapted to the simple change in the input that
I specified. Want another problem - what's the behavior if there is an
error generating the input and S4 values are generated rather than S14? Are
you satisfied that your output ignores this issue? I am not saying that my
solution is finished or is perfect but it's less likely to easily fall
apart. BTW, I have no idea what you mean by my solution being static.


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