subreport generated by user input in main report does not work



I'm new to access, I've done database work before just not with this package,
I have only one small problem and this should be an easy one...

Without going into too much detail, i have a report that generates a list
and calculates a few totals based on a date range inputed by a user. (I do
this by using the "Between[Report Start Date] and [Report end Date]"
statement as my criteria for the DATE field in my SQL statement.)

Inside that report i would like to include a subreport which summarizes the
data of the main report. this subreport needs to display data based on the
same date range as the main report. I simply cannot figure out how to get the
subreport to use the same date range as the main report without prompting the
user to type it in twice. I have another report that generates a subreport
based on a users last name, this subreport works just fine ( I think this is
because there is only one user inputted field and not two as with the date

Both the subreport and the main report calculate the correct data when run
independently, so I am confident they whole thing will work as soon as I know
how to share the user inputted criteria.

If you have any answers please reply ASAP, it would be really appriciated.

Duane Hookom

You should consider abandoning parameter prompt queries in favor of criteria
entered into controls on forms.

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