subform linking to clone forms



Ok Here goes the situation, I have posted already, but only one person
answered and the answer didn't manage to sort it.

I use a subform named CommercialConditions_subForm, that has the
following fields:
IDComCond (autonumber-required-primary key)
business (textbox-required)
combobox1 (cbo-required)
units (text-required)
observations (memo-optional)

Everything seems normal so far... The problem starts suddenly, when i
need to edit combobox1 in a form different from this subform... for
reasons concerning my CommercialConditions_SubForm structure (basically
there is another control in this subform, i haven't named here, for
simplifying reasons, that is an unbound textox, of which the combobox1
takes a value, for the rowsource's property query, and it's impossible
to get it accurately in a continuos form, bcose unbound boxes assume
always the same value for all instances of the continuous form's
records, unless you make it a calculation in the controlsource - a well
known ocourence - this is a side note that explains why i need to edit
the combo outside of the subform).

Well the help you may bring here resides in doing the code, necessary
for editing the combobox1, in a clone form of the

The Clone_Form has exactly the same structure then
CommercialConditions_SubForm, with the difference that it will allow
edit the combobox value.

I have everything builden up and implemented, when the user clicks on
the combobox, the combobox in the gotfocus event, calls Clone_Form and
tries to fill clone_form with all the data from the user.

The problem is how to communicate to the Clone_Form the values already
inserted/edited by the user.

We have to consider that:
=> We cant force the CommercialConditions_SubForm to save the record,
because combobox1 is one of the required fields, hence acces won't
allow the record to be saved.(this was what someone already mentioned
as a solution, but it just doesnt work)
=> when the user clicks on combobox1, it only triggers the clone form
if the field IDcomCond is already populated (it sends a msgbox alerting
the user to do this, if this rule isn't observed).
=> one can use, Me.openArgs to transmit the argument of IdComCond,
and/or other ones that are already different (but not yet recorded)

It's pretty late in the night, and i hope i have been thorough enough,
with this problem, that already consumed me a couple of hours.

I really would appreciate someone to answer me: how can i pass the data
to the Clone_Forms.



Is resolve already with the assistance of some contributors, in another
post i made, so thanks to all who suggested and/or gave ideas there.

Francis (Évora-Portugal)

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