sub-report based on same criteria as main report


Question Boy

I have a report whihc include a sub-report.

The main report prompts the user to supply a year to filter the report's
data on. That said i need to use that same value to filter the sub-report as
well, How can i do this so I only ask the user once for the year?

Thank you


Allen Browne

Use a form.

Set the Criteria of the query to read the value from the form, e.g.:

Have the subreport's query read the value from the same form.

Question Boy

Thank you Allen for the rapid response.

I had thought of that, but was wondering if there wasn't a simple way to do
this without creating a form. I'm assuming based on your answer, the form
approach is the fastest and easiest solution. Thank you once again.


Allen Browne said:
Use a form.

Set the Criteria of the query to read the value from the form, e.g.:

Have the subreport's query read the value from the same form.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Question Boy said:
I have a report whihc include a sub-report.

The main report prompts the user to supply a year to filter the report's
data on. That said i need to use that same value to filter the sub-report
well, How can i do this so I only ask the user once for the year?

Thank you


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