Style sheet formatting not working with Multiline text box.




We are using style sheets to set the font of our labels and text boxes.
This has been working great until we required a text box with a textmode of

The control picks up the correct font/size until the text mode is changed
from single line to multiline.

We're currently using the H1, H2, H3 and Body tags for the page.
Should we be using something else for multiline text boxes or have i missed
something else.



Hans Kesting

Chris said:

We are using style sheets to set the font of our labels and text
boxes. This has been working great until we required a text box with
a textmode of Multiline.

The control picks up the correct font/size until the text mode is
changed from single line to multiline.

We're currently using the H1, H2, H3 and Body tags for the page.
Should we be using something else for multiline text boxes or have i
missed something else.



A single-line textbox renders as a <input type=text>,
a multiline textbox as <textarea>.
Why it doesn't work for you when you use only H1..H3 and body,
I don't know.

Hans Kesting


Hi Hans

Cheers for the post.
I created a TextArea tag in the style.css and now its working great.

Cheers for your time


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