strFieldValue Code



I have the following code being used to place a value into another field when
clicking on another field.

Private Sub E1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strFieldValue As String

Let strFieldValue = E1.Value

If IsNull (Forms!frmToleranceChartMain1!Tol1.Value) Then
Let Forms!frmToleranceChartMain1!Tol1.Value = strFieldValue

End If

End Sub

What I want it to also do is take the value from "E2" and place it in "Tol2"
but I want this to work when I "DblClick" on "E1" like I have it set up in
the code above. I want to make it easier for the users to only have to click
on one field instead of two. Can this be done?

Albert D.Kallal

try the folwing

Private Sub E1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

if IsNull(me.Tol1) = True then
me.Tol1 = me.E1
end if
if isnull(me.Tol2) then
me.Tol2 = me.E2
end if

End Sub

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