Streaming Video?



I need a C#, peer-to-peer solution for streaming video from a webcam on one box to a client application on the other box. Can someone please help me with this? I can read video from a webcam easy enough but streaming the feed to a client application seems to be a different story

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance



A good starting point will be The windows media encoder, the format SDK and
WMEncoder SDK.


A good starting point will be The windows media encoder, the format SDK and
WMEncoder SDK

Thanks for the advice. I actually have looked at all the SDKs you spoke of. In fact, I am able to stream from an encoder to my streaming media server using both push and pull methods but I am still unclear how to stream from one client application to another one on a different box. Do you have any thoughts on this

Thanks again


You can also look at TAPI3, internally, it uses DirectShow, but have a simple
API for establishing peer to peer communication ( video and audio ), If I
remember right, the SDK include a sample demonstrating how to achieve what
you desire although I am not sure if there is managed API equivalent.

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