Streaming video/webcam page



Hi wondering if it is possable to make a page in frontpage
with a webcam in it so it can be viewed over the local
networks intranet. If yes how is it done? If no is there
any other way of doing it.....the only programs I could
find all want u to make a page on the web for the camera
and this is no good because the camera is in a school and
it is not acceptable to be broardcasting over the net



chris leeds has a web cam utility. I think it's free too. If I were
going to do it I'd figure out a way to make it work in conjunction with
FrontPage even if it was simply to set up a FrontPage sub-web for the
coffeecup utility to ftp the image into. if you allow it to ftp to your
"main" web you will break the extensions and generally bust stuff up.
If you decide to try the coffeecup feel free to post back as there will
surely be issues with getting it to work with fp.

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