Strange Tab Key Behavior



I have a userform with about 20-30 textboxes. When users use the ta
key to navigate, it will work, then all of a sudden just stop. The ta
stays inside the textbox and tabs over spaces inside the userfor
textbox, but it does not jump to the next box. This seems to b
intermittent, if the user restarts the form, it goes away, bu
eventually it sometimes returns to this weird behavior. Has anyon
come across this, i am puzzled??

Dave Peterson

There's a tabkeybehavior property that sounds like is set to true for some and
false for others.

If you select the textbox (when you're designing the form), hit F4 to show its
properties, you can see that .tabkeybehavior.

Check out VBA's help for more info.

You could also use some code to set this property:

Option Explicit
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
ctrl.TabKeyBehavior = False
End If
Next ctrl
End Sub

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